Saturday, November 3, 2007

AC funny question + answer:

AC funny question + answer:-

nobody answered it till now. let me answer it :-).
Q) What really is a funny quiz question perhaps is - Current is defined as "Charge flowing through a conductor" in +2 physics books. Now in AC, typically an electron in power transmission wire moves merely 10 atoms far to a direction when it is called back to oscillate again back and forth. So question is if this electron never reached the bulb in my house, how come it glows?

Ans) Imagine there is a long pipe (the wire) that is completely filled with water (the electrons). Now what will happen if i push the water a little from one end of the pipe. The water on the other end of the pipe will immediately push forward. The reverse happens when i pull back the water. So even though the water molecules at one end of the pipe have not reached the other end, the molecules at the other end have moved back and forth. Thus energy transfer has taken place (i.e. moving of water molecules). I could use this energy to do some work, (e.g. turn a propeller).

This can also answer the 2nd funny question below
Q) In case of Direct current, electrons move in a copper conductor at a speed of only 1/4mm per second. For such a slow speed it will take an electron several minutes to travel a few inches of wire between the battery and the bulb. How come then does the light bulb turn on instantaneously?



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